Worship & Welcome: The Hope Candle
Each Sunday we have lit a candle as a physical celebration of a profound spiritual reality. The first Sunday we enjoyed the Beauty of this story and God’s design for bringing His creating forward to shalom. The second Sunday we remembered that God heard our cry and embarked on a massive Rescue that began in Exodus, was furthered by the first coming and will be completed in the second. On the third Sunday we were grateful for the Hope demonstrated when God pitched His tent among us, suffering to wander the barren land with His rebellious children. And on this fourth Sunday we experience the Joy of God’s demonstrated commitment to reside in a permanent dwelling, the Temple, with His people, His “special possession.”
As a family or community, take some time to light each candle again, expressing your praise and worship for each magnificent gift God offered you in this story. Welcome God as He moves nearer to you this season.