The Relational Spirituality Podcast | Episode 003 | Kep Crabb & Steve Shores

February 7, 2023

The Relational Spirituality Podcast YouTube

Show Notes:

An honest discussion on the pain of life, spiritual warfare – and victory in Christ. Join in reminiscing over past conversation between 2 men who seem to understand what this life is all about. We discuss Steve Shore’s 4 book “The Relational Project” – hear a 30 plus year counselor unpack his thoughts on relational honesty in a pretend about nothing conversation. 

Steve Shores’ Bio:

I was born in 1954, one of a pair of identical twins. Went to college at UNC-Chapel Hill (home of the Tar Heels!), graduated in 1976 with honors in English and Psychology. I had met my wife to be, Susan, in the fall semester of our senior year, and we were married the next August 14 (46 1/2 years ago!). A year later, we took off for Dallas Theological Seminary where I received a Th.M. with high honors and majored in Pastoral Ministry. We also had our first child, Katy, in Dallas (born 1981). After graduation in 1982, Susan and I moved to Jacksonville, NC, for a church-plant, which became Jacksonville Bible Church. I pastored there for 3 1/2 years, during which time, our second daughter, Jenny, was born. I felt I was spread too thin as a pastor and wanted to focus on counseling as a ministry. I had just read the first two of your dad’s books and was struck by the counseling model he was developing. I applied to the counseling program and Grace Theological Seminary. Susan was big-time pregnant with our third child as we moved lock-stock-and-barrel to Winona Lake, IN, where Christy was born. Our two years there were absolutely life=changing, and I became a much more Christ-centered person and a lot less selfish. I am grateful. From there, I returned to Dallas Seminary to be the Director of Counseling Services and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry. I was there for four years and wrote my first book during that time (one of a series of Institute for Biblical Counseling study guides for which your dad wrote the flagship study). Soon thereafter NavPress published my False Guilt. We left Dallas in 1992, because Christy had severe asthma and also to take care of my mom who had cancer. So, we moved to Hickory, NC, where I opened The Center for Biblical Counseling and have been practicing there ever since. In the meantime, I’ve published eight more books.