Christmas Different | Ep. 48
What happens when a family decides to shift the focus of their holiday celebration from
gift giving and receiving to creating memorable experiences together and sharing them with others. Join
Karlene, her son Nick Cannon, and her daughter, Ivy Hill, as they talk about their journey as a family into
Christmas Different.
The Journey of Renewed Hope | Ep. 44
How do you come to God when you’ve repeatedly prayed for a need that remains unresolved? What happens in your heart when you sense God is beckoning you to bring your desires to Him? This week Rosanne Moore picks up where we left off last week in sharing how God’s intervention in Karlene’s life became an invitation for her family to enter old pain and engage on a new journey of trust.
Read MoreAlways Invited. Always Welcomed. Always Enjoyed. | Ep. 39
Welcome back to Part 2 of Karlene’s conversation with Mimi Dixon where they discuss what it means to always be invited into conversation with the Father, always welcomed into the Beloved Community of the Trinity, and always enjoyed by the one who calls you “dear, worthy one.”
Read MorePersistent Prayer- God’s Invitation to His Story | Ep. 38
What is prayer? Is it an art- a creative expression of your soul? A science- a persistent and methodological accounting of your needs and the needs of others? Or is it a mysterious invitation that welcomes you into the heart of the Trinity and the story They are telling? Join Karlene, and her guest, Mimi Dixon as they talk about the vibrant power of our consistent and persistent praying.
Read MoreStirring Up an Appetite for God | Ep. 34
What makes a conversation matter? How do I know if I had any impact? Join Karlene and Arlita Ibach as they talk about what it looks like to see every conversation as an opportunity to stir up an appetite for God.
Read MoreSelf Talk vs. Soul Talk and Holy Disruptions | Ep. 29
Aren’t we all starving to be known and to know others? Join Karlene and her son-in-law, Jimmy Hill, as they talk about the beautiful mess that is community and how our self-talk can be disrupted by soul talk, resulting in conversations that really do matter.
Read MoreStarving to Be Known and To Know | Ep. 12
Aren’t we all starving to be known and to know others? Join Karlene and her daughter, Ivy Hill, as they talk about the beautiful mess that is community, relational holiness, and real church!
Read MoreLiving from the Unwavering Smile of Heaven | Ep. 08
Are you riddled with anxiety and overwhelmed by the pressure to perform? Have you every truly experienced the abounding unconditional love of God? Join Karlene and her oldest son, Nick, as they talk about how he discovered the freedom of living from the love of God instead of for the love of God. The prepositions matter. Living for something reduces you to the product of your performance, but living from the source of love and grace, that unwavering smile of Heaven, yields a life of beauty, rest, and freedom
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