Grew me Up
Long story short…I was very immature at age 25 (relatively speaking) when introduced to Larry’s message. I needed a mother, father and mentor to help me grow up. I read ‘Inside Out’ and felt fed and led for the first time. Like so many others, I have read nearly all Larrys book and at 57 can attribute my foundational understanding of why humanity needs the cross to Larry. He mentored me over the pages for many years as I slowly grasped that sin was ultimately relational – against God first and then others. I learnt to value what it means to and looks like to love others through Larry or perhaps more truly what love doesnt look like when relating to others.
Meeting Larry was on my bucket list and thankfully this will happen and I will be able to say thank you in person one day for teaching me to value relational holiness and giving me the road map to grow into it.