Not Myself By Myself | Ep. 51

January 9, 2024

The Relational Spirituality Podcast YouTube (25)

Larger Story will be going to be in Jackson Tenn., just outside the Memphis area and holding a conference called “Not Myself, By Myself” an introduction and invitation to relational discipleship on January 26 and 27, 2024.


Duncan Sprague – Since 2007, Duncan has served as a bi-vocational minister with International Christian Ministries (ICM), Compassion International, Cadence International, and Larger Story (LS), where he regularly contributes to LS vlogs, webinars, and podcasts. Duncan brings his passion for trinitarian-relating and relational development, along with years of rich cross-cultural experience to every person and place he serves. Since 1994, Colorado has been home to Duncan and Angie and is the birthplace of their four adult children.  

Kent Denlinger – Kent Denlinger served as a lead pastor of Valley Springs Fellowship in Warsaw, Indiana for 32 years. For 15 years, he also worked for NewWay Ministries as a spiritual director at the Schools of Spiritual Direction and NextStep. After retiring from the pastorate in 2018, Kent spent 5 years as a corporate chaplain in Cincinnati, Ohio where he and his wife currently reside. Kent has a Masters in Counseling degree as well as a Master of Divinity degree, both from Grace Theological Seminary. In 2010, he completed a Doctorate of Ministry in Spiritual Direction from Gordon-Conwell. Presently, Kent, along with his wife, Karla, are the co-founders of a nonprofit ministries called Soul Signature Ministries, which offers various kinds of spiritual direction to individuals and groups. They have two adult children and five grandchildren.