Slow Growth
Some problems in life take a long time to solve so God can increase your dependence on Him. Big problems are often solved after small problems are solved.
Some problems in life take a long time to solve so God can increase your dependence on Him. Big problems are often solved after small problems are solved.
Men who provoke curiosity pant after God, admit their own sin and follow hard after God. Larry used the Passover, Deuteronomy 6 instructions to fathers, and Joshua 4 instructions about the twelve stones to drive home his point.
Jesus’ central mission is to reveal the Father. God speaks only three times in the New Testament–affirming His pride in the Son. Christ’s death reveals the depth of the heart of God. Effective Christian counseling points clients to Christ who reveals the heart of God.
Using the Hebrew words for male and female from Genesis 1:27, Dr. Crabb discusses what the implications of the definitions are for a biblical understanding of true masculinity and femininity. He shows how the core fears of men and women are related to God’s purpose in how each sex is to reflect His character.
Using the Hebrew words for male and female from Genesis 1:27, Dr. Crabb discusses what the implications of the definitions are for a biblical understanding of true masculinity and femininity. He shows how the core fears of men and women are related to God’s purpose in how each sex is to reflect His character.
Your red dot starting college, where are you at emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? It’s not primarily about what you want to do with your life but how you relate to people. It is the most important thing about you.