Slow Growth
Some problems in life take a long time to solve so God can increase your dependence on Him. Big problems are often solved after small problems are solved.
Some problems in life take a long time to solve so God can increase your dependence on Him. Big problems are often solved after small problems are solved.
1. We must deal with what’s happening in our lives. We won’t deeply know God without an inside look. Change requires an inside look.
2. Because we were built to enjoy what is not fully available until heaven, there will always be an ache in our soul. The ache in our soul is not the evidence of immaturity. It’s the evidence of realism. It’s OK to hurt.
3. Nobody wants to hurt. We’ll commit ourselves to avoiding as much pain as possible. Our problem with sin shows itself most clearly in our relationships. We commit ourselves to self-protection. We “play it safe.”
4. If we’re to be deeply changed, we must face the pain in our soul and the sin in our relationships. Only then is it possible to meaningfully trust the Lord and deeply repent of our sin.