A Gen Z look at SoulTalk | Ep. 36

September 26, 2023

The Relational Spirituality Podcast YouTube (8)

Have you met Larger Story’s newest team member? Join us as Rosanne Moore introduces Brittany Wood, our Gen Z addition to the team, and they talk about SoulTalk, what gets in the way of meaningful conversations – especially inter-generationally – and how we can be on the lookout for the ways God shows up in our daily interactions. 

Bio: Brittany Wood is 23, and has been married to her husband Andrew for 2 years. She is an avid reader and enjoys spending time in nature. She asked the Lord into her life when she was 7, and has since participated in many Bible studies, even leading her own for a year. She works at Larger Story as the customer experience manager, and personal assistant. Brittany and Andrew bought their first house a yar ago, and currently reside in Charlotte, NC for the foreseeable future.



The SoulCare Experience 

Reading & Relating Book Club 


Rosanne Moore: Hello, our Larger Story audience. We’re so happy to have you today on the Relational Spirituality podcast. I’m your host, Rosanne Moore. I am excited to have with me today, my niece, Brittany Wood. We were talking about how to come up with one title that describes what she does, because some of you are interacting with her. If you email us, Brittany is going to be the one who’s probably going to be responding to your emails. She’s keeping up with orders, helping make sure orders go out and that Kep has everything for those who order books. She’s keeping us all on top of deadlines for meeting our deadlines. So we figured she’s our “master juggler.” She’s keeping everybody going, not to mention all the I.T. stuff that she does, because she’s our Gen Z-er who knows how to do all of that. It is awesome. We’re very thankful for Brittany Wood. We just wanted to introduce her to you today as a newest member of our little team, Brittany, thanks for coming.

Brittany Wood: Hi, everybody. I am excited to be talking with most of you, depending on whether most of you email us or not.

Rosanne Moore: And if you don’t, you should be, right? 

Brittany Wood: Exactly. Hey, if you email me, then I get to talk to you, so that’s fun. 

Rosanne Moore: There you go. When Brittany joined the team – had you heard of Larry other than me talking about him?

Brittany Wood: You had talked about him. I actually hadn’t really known about Larry a whole lot, but I do remember when I was like, 13 or 15, I went to a conference that Rachael did and I actually remember that conference. I was actually talking with her just yesterday about the IT side of things, helping her figure out why her email was broken and I mentioned that. She was like, that was so long ago!

Other than that, not really. I hadn’t read any of his books. Other than what you had said, I hadn’t really heard much of it. And now I’ve read seven books, maybe more just listening to them randomly.

Rosanne Moore: You had at least seen the concept of spiritual direction in action, because I can remember when we got together with a friend of yours at one point and what started as just a casual question on my part, asking him how you guys had met, led into this whole, deep discussion. I remember afterwards you and Anita Grace looked at me and went, how did you do that? But that was an example of the SoulTalk, which is this quarter’s book, which is great. 

Brittany Wood: I love SoulTalk.  

Rosanne Moore: Did you? So you’ve read the book. 

Brittany Wood: I have read that one.

Rosanne Moore: And you’ve listened to some of Larry’s audio recordings discussing it.

Brittany Wood: Yeah. Part of the book club is there’s four recordings that we’re doing; one ahead of time and one for each of the months. I have listened to those as well. 

I just love the concept of SoulTalk. It’s basically just deep, rich conversation that actually has more meaning than, “I worked today; the weather is nice.” Not even just the, “I was struggling at work because my boss was not in the best mood,” but actually getting deeper into the roots of everything and getting to know them as a person. I just really like those conversations.

Rosanne Moore: Yeah, that’s why you and Brittany – you and Anita Grace, sorry, my brain. 

Brittany Wood: Brittany and I do get along pretty well.

Rosanne Moore: That’s good, because you’ll live with her a long time. You and my daughter, Anita are close; you are lifelong best friends. You were built-in best friends as cousins. Not that that automatically means anything, but for you guys it did. 

Brittany Wood:  We were talking about that the other day and the random things we went through, and there was a point in time where both of us thought the other person was actually closer to others. I thought she was closer with Tyler, my brother, than me, and she thought I was closer to one of my friends than her, and we were both like, “No, I’m losing her!” Anyway, that was really funny to talk about since we never lost that connection in the slightest. We’ll not talk for two, three months, and then we’ll be like, “Hey, we haven’t talked in forever!” And then be on a phone call for seven hours straight. It’s great.

Rosanne Moore: It is great. One of the fun things about having you work with me at Larger Story is that we get to see more of you because you come down periodically as we work on things. If Anita is not working, then she gets to see you too, so that’s nice. It’s fun. 

Like you said, I think most people want to be able to have deeper conversations like you’re talking about, but it’s really hard. We don’t do that. 

Brittany Wood:  I think it’s a lot of – I guess I can’t speak for everybody. There’s jokes about how I speak for my generation on this team, since I’m the only 23 year old on this team, but I don’t even necessarily want to do that. Which is also something that we were talking about that  my generation does. We don’t want to speak for everybody, but me and some people I know do this. 

I think there’s a little bit of being scared to go deep. There’s two sides to it. When I am talking with somebody – and we’re going to assume it’s not somebody like Anita or my husband, someone I haven’t already gone super, super deep with – there is a fear that if we go this deep, they’re not going to understand me or where I’m coming from. 

Then there’s also the tendency of focusing on me and not being able to understand them as well. I know me personally, I really like to understand where people are coming from in certain things. A lot of different things. So a lot of different situations will happen, and I’m like, but why is it that they think that way? No matter what it is that they’re doing, sometimes it’s something I agree with, sometimes it’s not something I agree with, but as long as I can understand why, then it’s easier for me to understand and accept that person, even if I don’t agree with the decision that they made. Then there’s also that fear that, what if they don’t want to try and understand me that way?

Rosanne Moore: It’s interesting as you say that, because we have this longing to be known and a fear that we’re not going to be.  I think everybody, no matter what age group you’re in, can be a barrier. So without speaking for your entire generation, are there things that you wish – I know some things my kids have said to me about barriers that can happen intergenerationally in conversation and what you described, you’re saying could happen with anybody, right? Are there any things that you think specifically can be generational barriers or places of misunderstanding?

Brittany Wood: I think there’s a lot of preconceived stuff. I was talking with my mom at one point. Now I’m 23. I’m an adult. I’m married. I’m living on my own. All that fun stuff. I was not like that when I was growing up, even as a teenager. I didn’t move out of the house till I was 20. So even up until then there were some things that mom would tell me and I’m like, “You’re supposed to say that because you’re my mom,” and she’s like, “You will understand this when you’re an adult. This will make sense when you’re an adult.” And I’m like, “But you’re not understanding me now.” Whereas she was completely right. That’s something that both the adults and older people will do to younger generations. “I know it doesn’t make sense now. You’re going to understand when you get to my spot.” Because it makes sense to them, they’re like, “I know you’re going to understand this later.” It’s harder to connect in that moment. Because then, the younger generation thinks, “Look, I know you say that. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not” – the older you get, the more you realize it probably will be true – but it’s not now. There’s that kind of disconnect here where you both know it’s probably going to change, but that’s not where you’re at right then. Things like that.

Rosanne Moore: Yeah, I can relate to that. I know there have been times when Anita Grace or the boys have said to me, “Mom, you’re not listening.” They will tell me something, and I’m honestly thinking, “I’ve already lived this. I know where you’re headed is not going to take you where you want to go. I already know the shortcut that can involve avoiding a lot of pain. Let me just hand that answer to you.” And that is not helpful. They’re really good about telling me. Anita Grace said to me – because you are at the age where part of what is healthy and normal is for you to be getting a sense of who you are yourself independently. Somebody else can’t hand you what to think or feel or believe. It needs to be something that comes out of who you are. I know Anita Grace has called me out on that and then I have to back up and I have to listen better.

Brittany Wood: There’s definitely a fine balance between, “Look, I’ve had this experience, so I want to give it to you,” and then there’s some stuff we just have to learn on our own. Sometimes it is that the situation is different. You don’t want your kids or anybody that you care about to go through the same struggles that you did. – That in and of itself doesn’t even have to be from the older generation to the younger generation. It could just be anything you’ve gone through that somebody else hasn’t yet. – And you don’t want them to go through that hurt because most of the time learning things the hard way means it hurts, and nobody really wants anybody that they care about to go through that.

Rosanne Moore:  That’s true. That’s a good point. It’s not just intergenerational at that point. You can feel that way about a friend or somebody that’s not necessarily your child or an intergenerational thing.

You brought up something good too. I think part of the issue sometimes is we make the assumption that – as a parent, this is another conversation I’ve had with my kids. It’s also something that I have seen with my own parents, so it works both ways. Sometimes I’m making different decisions, not because I don’t understand. My kids are making different decisions, not because they don’t understand what I’m saying. It’s that they want a different outcome. Something else is more important to them than it is to me. And that’s not a bad thing, it’s not a moral issue. It can feel like, wait, this makes sense that you would do it this way. I’ll make an example. I attended a private Christian school growing up and then I chose instead to homeschool. Now, my parents were okay with that, largely because I couldn’t afford it, but I know families who just are horrified if a family member chooses to homeschool. But the other thing that can happen is my kids look at their homeschool experience and there are pros and cons with it. And they say, this is what I would have done differently.

If I am tied up with my decision making, if I’m getting my identity out of that, then I’m going to be really threatened by them saying, “I want to make a different choice in this way than you did.” My parents were not threatened, but it did challenge them a bit when my youngest two kids went to a charter school. They had more trouble with that because that wasn’t a specifically Christian environment. They struggled with that. For me to make a different decision in that, in some ways felt like a judgment about their decisions, and they just thought it wasn’t as good. But it was the right decision. It is the right decision for where we are and what’s happening in the lives of my boys. I think that’s a good point that you make that sometimes it’s our set ideas that we don’t hear well, or we have other motivating factors that make it hard for us to hear. 

Brittany Wood: It also depends on what you’re expecting. If I have some situation in my life and I make this decision this way – One great example of this is with my parents with college. My dad especially has been like, “You need to be able to have a path, you need to have a career, you need to have a plan.” His emphasis was on, “You need to have a plan.” I heard, “You need to go to college.” So then I’m in college, and I ended up dropping out. Clearly, it worked out fine. I did an associate’s degree, so I have some college. I was in the American Sign Language interpreting program, I’d been in it for three years, and it just was not right for me. I thought it was at the time, and it just wasn’t right. So I decided to drop out of college and just get a job at a bank. I worked at Wells Fargo. I was like, this makes sense as a decision because even though I don’t have a career path, I do have a college degree. It’s an associate’s degree, but a lot of places just want you to have a degree in college. And working at the bank makes enough money for me to support myself. I can move up in it if I need to, I can support a family if I need to, et cetera. But I was thinking, “My dad says that I have to go to college. He is not going to be happy with this decision at all.” I was so scared to tell him because I just knew, in my head, I just knew he was going to be very upset because I wasn’t going to college. Then I talked to him and he wasn’t upset because he just wanted the plan part, and that’s when I was like, ‘Oh that’s what he meant.” That’s one of those set ideas, I knew how he was going to react. I thought I knew what he was thinking. I knew what he wanted. I knew how he was going to react. I was just wrong. 

A lot of times something like that can happen, just assuming that we know something or thinking that we know how somebody’s going to think, especially if you’ve had previous circumstances with them where they reacted this way. I’m trying to learn that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll act that way again, because everybody grows. I’m like, look, I can change, but sometimes I forget other people can change. Having those preconceived notions can also get in the way of a lot of communication, sometimes even relationships depending on how severe it is. In communication in general, having the preconceived notions that you already know what they’re going to say, you already know what they’re going to think, may or may not be right.

Rosanne Moore: That’s true. I’m curious, you said you really liked the SoulTalk book and I think you heard that you said you heard the recordings too, right? 

She made reference to our book club. Reading and Relating is our book club. Quarterly, we do a deep dive into a book, and we have monthly discussion times. If you haven’t already joined and are interested in an online group for connecting once a month with other like minded people, we would love to have you. 

What stood out to you? Because I was listening again, and I’m being reminded again that two barriers that often get in the way of meaningful conversations, like you’re talking about, is not paying attention to what’s happening in me that might be important to me and driving me in the moment, like you were talking about with your dad, having that assumption. If you didn’t recognize you were being driven by that, that could get in the way of having a conversation. And the other is asking what’s going on in the other person. Where are they? Asking for their red dot rather than assuming what it is. What stood out to you about what you read or heard? What did you like most about the book?

Brittany Wood: I am a person who’s just very concepts oriented, I don’t hold on to details very much at all. So it was honestly the entire thing, the entire concept of SoulTalk; like you’re saying, paying attention to what is going on in them, paying attention to what is going on in you, stuff like that. Just the concept of, we just need to do better about relating to people. As an entire society, a lot has happened and changed. COVID made it so a lot of people don’t know how to communicate. The internet made it so a lot of people don’t know how to communicate. Stuff like that. Especially because on the internet, a lot of it is putting out your opinions, for example Twitter, where somebody says something and you just say what you’re thinking back, and nobody is actually like paying attention to, why do they feel this way? Why is this person responding this way? Let’s just get into arguments via Twitter, Facebook, whatever. I don’t actually have either of those so…

Rosanne Moore: You’re right. I see it all the time.

Brittany Wood: I hear about it a lot. And I’m on Instagram, so I’ll see posts of screenshots from those other places. Regardless, concepts like that. We as an entire society would be a lot better off if we just try to understand each other better.

Rosanne Moore: I think one thing that’s been driven home to me lately is how – I’m always leery about blaming it on new technology, because I don’t think the real issue is the technology. Like, there was outcry when there was a printing press, people were freaking out over that when that was a new thing – but I think every new technology gives an opportunity for us both to do good or to do evil; it has a good impact or negative impact depending on how we use it. One negative certainly is that I think people are more prone to “meme thinking” rather than nuanced thinking, like you’re talking about. Somebody put something up, it’s not very deep, it’s not very thoughtful, it’s not very nuanced. But it signals, “This is a particular tribe,” so if you’re this tribe, you run with it. You’re excited about it, and you cannot hear anything from another tribe, so yeah, I agree with you. I think that’s certainly an issue for our day.

Brittany Wood: I definitely agree that technology can do both sides. I wasn’t trying to say it was all bad. 

Rosanne Moore: I didn’t take it that way.

Brittany Wood: I know a lot of people are like, we need to get rid of it. Well, we’re doing this right now. We are currently recording you and me in different states talking to each other and we’re going to send it out to people from different states, and I’m pretty sure different countries and even continents for them to hear this conversation. Technology is great. It just can also lead to certain ways of thinking, which is, I just have to say my one piece and everybody knows what I’m thinking. A lot of my generation especially, and me specifically, I struggle a lot with wanting to be heard. Which I know everybody does. And I can trace it back to all these different places in my past, all that kind of stuff, but also – I’ve actually done it a couple times here already – I’m also really bad at interrupting people, because when they say something and I have a thought, I need to get that thought in at at the moment, because it’s connecting with you. I have to tell myself, “Nope, you’re still interrupting.” I’m not the best at that. 

Being heard is very important to everybody, and the internet makes it so all I have to do is say my thing and I can be heard. They’re not necessarily paying attention to what other people say at that time. When you’re face to face, it’s a little bit easier to be able to try and listen to the person because while you can have 17 people typing and sending something at the same time, having 17 people talk in a conversation is very difficult to hear anything. 

Rosanne Moore: That’s a good point.

Brittany Wood: Definitely, the internet has led to a lot of fantastic things. It can lead to a lot of really good conversations. You get to hear from people who aren’t in your circle. If you live somewhere and you know all your neighbors and you know your church and your school. I was also homeschooled. I went to a Christian co-op. I had the same kind of people around me all the time. When you get on the internet, you can just talk to other people who think differently. It doesn’t mean one of you is right and one of you is wrong; you can actually both be right. But hearing differences helps you to expand your knowledge, your opinion, that kind of thing. So it’s both good and bad.

Rosanne Moore: Yeah, that’s a good point. A lot of times I’ve heard complaints about, and I’ve been concerned about, how algorithms keep people in thought silos, but you’re right. If you look for it the way that you’re talking about, one of the benefits is being able to consider other points of view and hear other people’s experiences and so much of that has to do with the posture of your own heart. Are you threatened by somebody who’s different? Or are you inviting it? 

And you’re right.  When you were talking about technology, when I gave my caveat, it’s because I don’t want to be a grumpy old woman. It’s not because I thought you were saying that. But that’s a good point.

I think that was one of the things in SoulTalk; the thing about not making assumptions, but trying to hear the other person’s red dot. It’s easy to project your own experiences and to assume; it’s easy to do that. One benefit of social media is just putting yourself into circumstances with people who are different than you are, who don’t believe the same thing. One of the best things I ever did was being in a small group with people who were politically very different, complete opposite of everything that I had grown up in. I heard that people of that political persuasion were…: then there were all these stereotype labels. What I found was, that was not at all true. It was not true. Although I remained having some very significant differences on policy, I found people who love Jesus very much and were very active in practicing what they believed in and seeking to follow Him faithfully. They also challenged some of what I had accepted was true about policy and added nuance that I didn’t have. I was just mouthing talking points that I had grown up hearing. A lot gets said about the need for the body of Christ to be unified. I think “soul talk” is key to that. Maybe it’s soul listening too.

Brittany Wood: I think that’s part of the soul talk, or maybe soul conversation. To have an actual conversation, you have to be able to both talk and listen because just listening actually doesn’t necessarily get you super far. I think it could get you a little bit farther than just talking, especially in understanding them, but then you’re not giving any of yourself to them. Then all you’re doing is just getting all this information and changing your mind, or maybe not changing your mind, but having all this information to be able to shape your opinions, but nobody else is getting that either from you, so that’s conversation. Soul conversation. I’m changing the book title. Let’s go.

Rosanne Moore: There we go. Sorry, Larry. He’s in heaven. I don’t think he’s worried about anything right now.

But yeah, that’s a good point. I was going to say more about that, when you’re not sharing anything of yourself. Is there more you want to develop about that? Because I think that sounded important.

Brittany Wood: I did a lot of that when I was – I say younger, but it wasn’t a whole lot younger to be honest. The past three years, I’ve developed a lot more as a person. Up until I was 20, so in high school, even out of high school into college somewhat, I was very intentional about listening to people. Like I said, I want to know where they’re coming from. So all I would do is listen. Which was fun and all, but, like I said, that led to a lot of me not feeling heard at all when I did talk. You would think that if somebody doesn’t say something a lot, then whenever they do speak, it has to be important and you should listen to it. That can be used a lot in media and stuff like that, especially in movies. There’s one character that doesn’t talk a lot, but when they do, they mean it and it’s impactful. That doesn’t necessarily happen in life a whole lot. 

For me to listen, I would ask them a few questions, or I’d throw in little comments. But when I was trying to actually talk, I still was regarded as the listener and I just wasn’t heard a lot. I was the kind, empathetic person who would always hear what you had to say, who would always try and understand you. But then in some cases that led to me not being understood at all. I didn’t have a whole lot of friends, but I didn’t give myself a chance to be friends with people because I didn’t give any of myself to them. To have a relationship, whatever kind – friendship, parents, any sort of relationship – there has to be give and take. The saying is, it takes two to tango. You literally can’t have a relationship without both sides. I can talk to you all I want and you can listen, but if I don’t know anything about you, I have no investment in you, it’s just me giving myself.

Rosanne Moore: Then you become someone who just exists to serve me instead of it being a real relationship. That’s a really good point. I guess that – again, not speaking for your entire generation – but we tend to have an older audience, and often there are cross-generational conversations that are happening that can be a struggle. Are there any things that stood out to you as you were reading this and thinking about it that you think, I want to apply that more in my relationships? It might be a good insight for somebody. 

I’ll offer one thing. I really feel as a parent that I’ve “held the mic” for most of my kids’ lives, so it becomes really important for me to do more listening than talking as they get older. Because the world they’re growing up in is different from the world I grew up in, it also is very important for me to do good listening before I start talking, rather than assuming that it’s the same as my experience. Although there may be similar factors that apply, the world is different, so automatically assuming that my experiences will fit well with what’s going on with them is not reasonable. When I’m having conversations with people who are struggling with that, that’s something I put out there. If you were having a conversation with somebody like that, is there anything that comes to mind that you would offer? That you think would help make those deeper conversations possible?

Brittany Wood: I think it’s a lot about balance, like I mentioned with the whole, talking and listening, giving and receiving of yourself and other people. When it comes to experiences, when you’re trying to help give advice, it is important to give advice, but it is also important to let them make their own decisions and listen to what they’re saying, especially if the advice doesn’t exactly fit. I think there is also a balance between giving advice or ideas or things like that, and – especially as a parent – letting them take the information and make their own decisions and beliefs. Not as much for decisions because that can be something that’s already having the give and take of, I’ll give you the information, you make your own decision – but trying to figure out their beliefs on things. It’s something that I didn’t do. We’re just talking about cross-generational, and I have more of the interaction with the upper generation coming down to me than the other way around where I’m at in my life right now. 

Especially spiritually, there are different beliefs and stuff like that that I was just handed as, “This is what’s true, this is what the Bible says.” It happened at Bible studies, especially growing up in the same church my whole life. I knew what was true, and I had no idea why I believed any of that. When I was older and there was some challenging of my beliefs, I knew what was true. But then I was asked why, and I didn’t actually know why. A lot of my beliefs didn’t change in that regard, but I never had the chance to develop the why, and so they grew from there. So for a lot of beliefs, opinions, things like that, not just telling them – Especially because I believe Jesus came and died for us, and so therefore, if you believe in Him, we are saved. That is true. But if you don’t know why, it actually doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

I think there’s a lot of balance between giving them the information, telling them what’s true, especially as kids are growing up. They need to hear the truth in order to know anything. But also, trying to challenge them a little bit. Here’s what we believe. Do you know why? You need to decide for yourself why this is. So that’s one thing I thought about.

Rosanne Moore:  I agree. I think there’s humility in that because there are core things that we’re sharing that are true, but I think as you go on, if you’re not changing your mind about peripheral things, you’re not paying attention. You’re not growing. I think about some of the things that I taught my kids when they were little that I see very differently now. If I don’t give space for them to find their own way, there’s an arrogance in that. There’s an arrogance in that I’m demanding that they accept my perception, and then 10 years later, I find out I’m wrong about something. I think that’s really good, giving that opportunity because that trusts the Holy Spirit. That lets God be God in their life. And more than anything, you have to find God yourself. You can’t have a relationship with your parents’ God, you have to find God yourself.

Brittany Wood: That’s one of those things that can work across the same generation, just relationally; being able to know why you believe something is helpful. If you don’t know, you should probably figure that out, especially when talking about what you believe. When talking, when having these conversations, when trying to figure out where people are coming from, to both know where you are grounded in yourself, and also be open to other ideas. Because if you don’t have one or the other, then you’re probably going to be wrong in some aspect of something. If you are just, I know what’s right, I know exactly why, and nobody can change my mind, and I’m just going to give everybody my advice because I know I’m right, you could be wrong about something, and you’re just hardening your heart to being swayed the direction the Holy Spirit would like you to go. The other side is, I just believe what I’m told, especially by people who are smarter than me, and they know what they’re talking about, therefore it must be right. You switch around a whole lot, and you have no actual beliefs for yourself. Like you said, you have a relationship with somebody else’s God, not with your God; you have no personal relationship with Him. And that can go with other things that aren’t spiritual as well. Political opinions. Even something that’s neither of those, just a belief you have in life, like credit cards are good or bad, things like that.

I was like, what’s something that’s neither political nor spiritual? Credit cards. Things like that.

Rosanne Moore: And the answer on that may be different for different people. Yes. 

Brittany Wood: Which is also why you need to know why you think what you think and be open to other ideas. 

Rosanne Moore: That’s true. When you were saying that the idea of just following what somebody else says is true. That also makes you ripe for abuse, because that’s where the biggest abuses take place – systemic abuses in countries, organizations, churches, families, whatever – that absolutism. I have a friend who has said he started asking whenever he hears something he disagrees with, instead of the knee jerk argument about what’s not right with that. Which is what the tendency is, right? To come up with all the reasons why their logic is wrong. He started asking the question, “What led you to that conclusion?” He has a second question. I can’t remember right now, but then his third question is for himself. “What if I’m wrong?” I think there’s value in believing that God is big enough to be teaching all of us. That’s not that you have to give the same level of access to every person. Some people are safe and healthy people, and others are not, and you shouldn’t give them access. But I think there’s value in genuinely holding a posture that is, “Lord, what are you saying here? What do you want?” I think that’s one of the things Larry emphasizes in SoulTalk. One of the things that made him a really effective counselor and spiritual director was that he actually believed that God showed up in the middle of those conversations, and it was to reveal Himself to both people, not just one giving to the other. If actual soul talk was taking place, if spiritual direction was actually taking place, then God was doing as much in the person who was giving as the one who was receiving in that conversation. And it is a blessing both ways. 

Brittany, thank you for being with me today. I’m looking at the time, and we probably ought to wrap it up.

Brittany Wood: As somebody who has to edit it, I don’t want to edit 17 pages.

Rosanne Moore: Yes, just one more thing that Brittany does. She keeps us running. Thank God. She’s been such a blessing.

Thank you all for joining us today. If you’re interested in getting a copy of SoulTalk, we’re going to have that in the show notes. If you are interested in going deeper with a group of friends locally, we have the soul care experience, a whole 8, 10, 12,-something week study with DVDs that you can do with your own group at home. You can also join us for the monthly Reading and Relating gatherings that we do online, and we would love to have you.

Brittany Wood: If this is something that you enjoyed or would like to hear more about or anything like that – first off, if you’re on YouTube, do the whole like, comment, subscribe thing, I know, here I am, the Gen Z telling you to like, comment, subscribe, woo.

But one of the bigger things, more so than that, is just sharing this with other people, whether you think that they would benefit from this, whether you think they would enjoy it, whether you think they agree with it. Especially if you think they would benefit from this book, send them this podcast. Send them the link, send them the book, “The Soul Care Experience.” Start your own Bible study conversation groups with this book, with this podcast. Just sharing it with people is the best way to… God can only grow if people are not – “can only,” God can do whatever He wants. But He tends to reach people via other people, so sharing things with other people is one of the best ways to lead them towards the Holy Spirit guiding their life.

Rosanne Moore: Yes, absolutely. I was just mentally thinking, I ought to tell them that they ought to share this, and the Gen Z-er did it for me. So awesome. Thank you, Brittany.

Brittany Wood: Whoops.

Rosanne Moore: No, you’re great. And super. We hope you’ll join us again next week. And like Brittany said, share it, like it on whatever podcast app you listen to or on YouTube and share it on your social media channels or in an email. If you’re on our email list, you can share it there as well. Thanks so much, everybody. Bye.

Brittany Wood: See you in the emails!